Strawberry Update

Strawberry Update

Strawberry Update: Row Covers (Frost Blankets) are back on the patch. We covered the Strawberry Patch Sunday afternoon in anticipation of the cold weather. We had frost this morning and Frost is in the forecast for Wednesday morning. We are

Miller Farms Beef! Home grown on the pastures on our farm. Taste the difference. We just picked up more beef yesterday from processing. Plenty of Organ Meat: Heart, Ox Tail, Skirt, Tongue, Sweet Breads, Hanging Tender, Liver, and Kidneys. SALE on LIVER and KIDNEYS buy one get one FREE. Perfect for RAW DIET for your DOGS.

Miller Farms Beef! Home grown on the pastures on our farm. Taste the difference. We just picked up more beef yesterday from processing. Plenty of Organ Meat: Heart, Ox Tail, Skirt, Tongue, Sweet Breads, Hanging Tender, Liver, and Kidneys. SALE on LIVER and KIDNEYS buy one get one FREE. Perfect for RAW DIET for your DOGS.

Miller Farms Beef! Home grown on the pastures on our farm. Taste the difference. We just picked up more beef yesterday from processing. Plenty of Organ Meat: Heart, Ox Tail, Skirt, Tongue, Sweet Breads, Hanging Tender, Liver, and Kidneys. SALE

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