2024 Christmas Tree Information.
Fraser Fir Christmas Trees have been delivered and are READY of YOU! CUT YOUR OWN NORWAY SPRUCE, CANAAN FIR, and COLORADO BLUE SPRUCE. We are open Mondays-Fridays 9am-5pm. Saturdays 8am-5pm. Closed Sundays and Thanksgiving Day.
FRESH CUT FRASER FIR CHRISTMAS TREES, are displayed in our barns behind our Market and ready for sale! PLENTY 5ft tall to 13ft tall. Let us help you with you find the perfect CHRISTMAS TREE!

We have….. Cut your own Christmas Trees! The choose-and-cut patch WILL OPEN THE FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING! PLENTY of Norway Spruces 4ft-10ft tall. A good # of Canaan Firs 6ft-10ft tall. A Handful of Colorado Blue Spruces 5ft-7ft tall. All of the trees in the patch are for sale. None are reserved. Pricing 4ft -5ft $69, 5ft-6ft $79, 6ft-7ft $89, 7ft-8ft $109, 8ft-9ft $149, 9ft-10ft $179. 10ft-11ft $199. We are planting new trees every year, so we can have the PERFECT TREE for you! It takes 6-8 yrs to get a 6ft-8ft tall tree. You need to be out of the patch and back to the Market by 4:45 p.m. Friday Dec 21 is the last day that the patch will be open.

See below for more details on our trees!
When it’s the Christmas season at Miller Farms Market, it’s time for:
- Eggnog from South Mountain Creamery
- Christmas Trees —Fresh Cut Fraser Fir Trees 5ft-13ft tall are displayed in the barns behind are Market and are ready for Sale. Cut your own TREEES! PLENTY of Norway Spruces 4ft-10ft tall. A good # of Canaan Firs 6ft-10ft tall. A Handful of Colorado Blue Spruces 5ft-7ft tall. All of the trees in the patch are for sale. None are reserved. Pricing 4ft -5ft $69, 5ft-6ft $79, 6ft-7ft $89, 7ft-8ft $109, 8ft-9ft $149, 9ft-10ft $179, 10ft-11ft $199. We are planting new trees every year, so we can have the PERCECT TREE for you! It takes 6-8 yrs to get a 6ft-8ft tall tree.
- Cut-your-own Christmas Tree Patch—Located across the road from our Market. Check in at the Market before heading to the patch. Drive down past the Strawberry patch. You can either park there, or drive around the Christmas Tree patches. Some trees are to the left of the driveway, but most of them are to the right of the driveway. There are several different patches. The farthest patch to the right has the most trees to choose from. There are great photo ops in the tree patch! If you don’t find what you are looking for, check out our Fresh Cut Fraser Firs in the barns behind the Market.
- Fresh-cut Fraser Firs— Our trees stay fresh for so long, because they are cut right before they are shipped. Buying a Christmas Tree from Miller Farms is special because: We have all of our trees displayed so that you can see all sides of your tree, we give you a fresh cut on the butt of your tree, we have netting to wrap the larger trees, we will load your tree for you and tie it to your vehicle. And of course Southern Hospitality all Free of Charge!
- The secret to long lasting trees
- Fresh greenery—Place that welcoming touch on your doors and windows. Let us know what you are looking for and we’ll be glad to help you.
- Our Gift Shop—Open throughout the year, our Gift Shop is loaded with seasonal goodies. Whether it’s autumn candles and pumpkin potpourri, or homespun tea towels and handmade Christmas treasures you‘re looking for, our gift shop has something special for everyone’s home. For a thoughtful gift that lasts well into the new year, Gift Certificates to our market are also available.
Our Trees
Norway Spruce, PLENTY to Choose From
This is a short needled tree with stiff branches which are quite suitable for relatively heavy ornaments. The spacing between the branches is wide enough to allow for lights and ornaments deep into the foliage. A Norway Spruce should only be bought as a Choose and Cut Tree and the trunk should be immersed in water as soon as possible after cutting. Remember to keep it well watered. We have personally tested this tree for the Christmas season and manage to keep it going for 5 weeks before significant needle drop occurs. However, this is the only tree about which we receive the occasional complaint. When its needles drop, it is not just one or two but all of them simultaneously. We recommend keeping it away from sources of heat and direct sunlight. 4ft-5ft tall $69. 5ft-6ft tall $79. 6ft-7ft are $89. 7ft-8ft $109. 8ft-9ft tall $149. 9ft-10ft tall $179. 10ft-11ft $199.
Colorado Blue Spruce……only a handful to choose from
A slow growing dense foliage short needled tree with a variety of colors from deep green to a stunning silver blue. In December they tend a bit more to the green color whereas in the spring they tend more toward the silver blue color. The needles are very prickly and most of clients find that they need gloves to trim the tree. The branches are very stiff and take heavy ornaments well. They are usually a bit smaller because of their slow growth and our clients tend to cut all of them as soon as they reach a desirable height. They keep their needles well and a healthy tree should last up to six weeks if it is cared for properly. Keep it in water and away from heat sources. We have very few Colorado Blue Spruce available. We are increasing the number being planted and should have a great supply in the future, but it is a 7-10 year process. Choose and cut Colorado Blue Spruce. 5ft-6ft are $79. 6ft-7ft are $89. 7ft-8ft $109.
White Pine…..none right now
Currently we do not have any White pine available. There are more planted and will be available Starting in 2030.
The White Pine has soft, flexible needles and is bluish-green in color. White Pine’s have good needle retention, and aren’t recommended for heavy ornaments. The needles are soft, flexible and bluish-green to silver green in color and are regularly arranged in bundles of five. Needles are 2 1/2-5 inches long and are usually shed at the end of the second growing season. Needle retention is good to excellent. White pine has very little aroma, but, conversely, is reported to result in fewer allergic reactions than do some of the more aromatic species. To produce a 6-foot tree requires 6-8 years on good sites. White Pines are an excellent choice for lighter ornaments and lights.
Canaan Fir…..there are a fair bit to choose from
Canaan (pronounced “Ka-naan”, with emphasis on the last syllable) is a relative newcomer to the Christmas tree market. It has many similarities to the Fraser Fir in growth, appearance, and needle retention. Canaan fir is so-named because several of the original trees were identified from a limited area in West Virginia, generally referred to as the Canaan Valley. Fraser Firs will not grow in our area because our elevation is too low. We grow the Canaan Firs because of the characteristics they share with the Fraser Fir. 5ft-6ft $79. 6ft-7ft $89. 7ft-8ft are tagged $109. 8ft-9ft $149. 9ft-10ft $179. 10ft-11ft $199.