LAST DAY for PUMPKINS! PUMPKIN SALE! CORN MAZE CASH discounts only $5 CASH! LET’S GO! Keep reading for all the details! $5 PUMPKINS by the EACH! That’s right $5 PUMPKINS. $100 PICK-UP TRUCK LOADS of PUMPKINS and LARGE SUVS full
LAST WEEK for PUMPKINS! PUMPKIN SALE! CORN MAZE CASH discounts only $5 CASH! LET’S GO! Keep reading for all the details! $5 PUMPKINS by the EACH! That’s right $5 PUMPKINS. $100 PICK-UP TRUCK LOADS of PUMPKINS and LARGE SUVS full
LAST WEEK for PUMPKINS! PUMPKIN SALE! CORN MAZE CASH discounts only $5 CASH! LET’S GO! Keep reading for all the details! $5 PUMPKINS by the EACH! That’s right $5 PUMPKINS. $100 PICK-UP TRUCK LOADS of PUMPKINS and LARGE SUVS full