Our 2016 Strawberry season has come to a close. Many thanks to all who came to pick and those who bought the ones we had picked for the Market. We have mowed off the strawberry patch. We will spend the next month rolling up the fabric, picking up the tires, pulling up the plastic, pulling up the drip tape, and getting the soil ready for a cover crop. We will grow a couple cover crops in the patch until we begin to get it ready for Strawberries. This field won’t have Strawberries in it again until the Fall of 2017. Strawberries for the Spring of 2017 will be planted this Fall in the field where we grew Strawberries in 2015. Currently that field has a cover crop mixture growing of mustard and arugula. This cover crop mixture is a living biofumigant, helping the soil. The rest of the information listed below is how Strawberry season rolls on our Farm.
When it’s Strawberry Pickin’ Time at Miller Farms Market, it’s time for:
- Pick-Your-Own—Come out and pick your own strawberries in our 3 acre strawberry patch.
- Berries in the Market—Stop by the market and pick up a quart or two (or three!) of strawberries.
- Storage and Preparation—Caring for your Strawberries
- Making jam and jelly—Jam-making classes are offered by appointment. Call to schedule and discuss details.