Strawberry Season is in full swing here at Miller Farms. We’re mid season and they are PLENTIFUL! NOW is the BEST time to come pick Strawberries or to buy Strawberries already picked.

Strawberry Season is in full swing here at Miller Farms. We’re mid season and they are PLENTIFUL! NOW is the BEST time to come pick Strawberries or to buy Strawberries already picked. $3.99/lb for pick your own. $7.50/quart for Pre-Picked Strawberries. The weather is beautiful today. Come on out, pick some STRAWBERRIES and enjoy the FRESH air! See ya at the FARM and in the PATCH! 9am-5pm. Mondays-Fridays. 8am-5pm Saturdays. Closed Sundays. 12101 Orange Plank Rd Locust Grove, Va. 22508.

Fresh Picked Strawberries
Strawberry Season is in full swing here at Miller Farms. We’re mid season and they are PLENTIFUL! NOW is the BEST time to come pick Strawberries or to buy Strawberries already picked.
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