Pick your own STRAWBERRIES!
Pick your own STRAWBERRIES! Yes, we will have pick your own Strawberries tomorrow beginning at 9am. Strawberries are $3.75/lb for pick your own. Containers are provided. Pre-Pick Strawberries will be available in the Market @ $6.50/quart. A few things to remember: Please Keep your children with you at all times. Our farm and the road is very busy. CHECK IN AND OUT AT THE MARKET. You will also need to grab your containers to pick in from the Market. Our normal Strawberry Hut is at the end of the Porch. We will be moving our smaller red hut to the field sometime this week. The Strawberry patch is located across the road from our Market near the Greenhouses and the big water tanks. See you at the farm and in the patch. Come enjoy the fresh air! We have plenty of Fresh Air and Sunshine! Please check here before coming to pick. Our picking conditions are very fluid because of the weather. We will post all updates on the picking conditions here. The patch is just beginning to ripen, but there are plenty of Strawberries to pick.
Free Parking. Free Admission. Free Fresh Air.
See you at the FARM and in the PATCH!

Pick your own Strawberries
Pick your own STRAWBERRIES!
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